Critical Non-Essential (CNE): What They Are, How to Choose One & When To Use It

CNE stands for Critical Non-Essential. In this video you will learn why these gifts are so powerful to assist in the success of your business.

Sunshine: What is a CNE?

Crystal: Welcome to The Love of Business. I’m Crystal.

Sunshine: And I’m Sunshine. Let’s get to it.

CNE is another acronym.

Crystal: We love our acronyms here.

Sunshine: I guess, I’ll tell you what I think it stands for.

Crystal: All right.

Sunshine: Critical, non-essential.

Crystal: You got it.

Sunshine: Are you going to share with us, like how to choose one? What it is? When we use it? And how it’s going to affect our business?

Crystal: Happy too. First, let’s start with what critical non-essentials really are. Critical non-essentials are critical to the relationship that you have with your client, but they have nothing to do with your actual service and/or product. So, essentially, they are gifts. Small gifts, that are low cost to the business, high value to the customer. And they’re unexpected. So, it’s a surprise.

Let me give you a couple of examples. We have one gift company client who when they send out their gifts, they throw in two or three Tootsie Rolls. And guess what? The client raves about the Tootsie Rolls and forgets all about the awesome gift that they received.

Another example could be maybe you have a best customer that gives you a lot of business. Maybe you take them out to lunch or dinner as a critical non-essential. So, this really builds up your lifetime relationships that you’re creating with your clients.


Sunshine: Yeah.

Crystal: What do you think happens when a customer receives a critical non-essential?

Sunshine: Well, you just said that they rave about it, right? So, I’m thinking you’re creating a raving fan.

Crystal: Yep.

Sunshine: And they’re going to talk all about you to somebody. “Oh, Sally, you’re not going to believe what I got in the mail today with a little extra something.”

Crystal: They are going to rave about you, and they are going to become your organic sales force.

Sunshine: I love it when things are organic.

What’s your number one takeaway from today’s video? Leave us a comment and thanks for watching.

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Published by

Crystal Shanks

Crystal Shanks, Certified Business Coach and CEO of Run Right Business Consulting, has been coaching business owners and executives around the world to achieve optimum results since 2009. Coach Crystal teaches her clients proven strategies to build thriving businesses and careers. She has worked with thousands of businesses and executives to generate substantial revenues and maximize profits.